
Relax and rejuvenate with our expert massage services. Our skilled therapists use a variety of techniques to soothe tired muscles, relieve stress, and promote overall well-being. Experience the ultimate in relaxation at Malwa Touch Salon.

Neck, Head & Shoulder                              £ 50

Back Massage                                           £ 45

Leg & Feet massage                               £ 55

Hair oiling & Massage                             £ 50


Massage FAQs: Expert Answers from Malwa Touch Salon

The benefits of massage include stress relief, pain management, improved circulation, and relaxation of muscles.

Certain health conditions, such as pregnancy, certain skin conditions, or recent injuries, may require you to consult with a healthcare provider before getting a massage.

After a massage, it’s important to drink plenty of water, rest, and avoid strenuous activities to allow your body to fully benefit from the treatment.

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